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CleanUninstaller 1.72

CleanUninstaller 1.72

CleanUninstaller Publisher's Description

CleanUninstaller is an utility that allow you to remove applications completely from your Palm memory and expansion card. CleanUninstaller monitors creation of all files, saved preferences, or unsaved preferences by application (with application''s unique Creator ID or DIFFERENT Creator ID), and will remove all of them including hidden items when uninstalling by using CleanUninstaller. The most amazing benefit of CleanUninstaller is NO HACK required.

When you have tried a lot of Shareware applications, you will notice less memory left even if you have removed all of them. This is because of most Shareware applications will leave some files or preferences behind when they are removed. This unwanted files and preferences take up space of your Palm memory. CleanUninstaller will solve your problem, it monitors your Palm, and cleans up all files and preferences left behind during uninstallation. So, start using CleanUninstaller now with FULL FEATURES for trial (14 days).

  • Informative applications list view that categorized related items together.
  • Monitors all running applications for creation of all files, saved/unsaved preferences automatically.
  • Able to uninstall applications on memory and any directory of expansion card.
  • Able to uninstall sticky PROTECTED applications that cannot be deleted by default application deletion.
  • Deletes ''a68k'' files to free up memory.
  • Able to delete associated 'a68k' file automatically after used.
  • Able to overwrite default application deletion.
  • Supports 5way Navigator and Treo Rocker.
  • Supports Palm Tungsten 5, Treo 650 and LifeDrive.
  • Supports HiRes+ (320x480) resolution (Palm Tungsten 3/5, Sony Clie NX/NZ/UX).
  • Supports black white and color devices.
  • No Hack required.

Please note that CleanUninstaller supports PalmOS 5.0 or above only! CleanUninstaller is a companion application to CleanData.
Purchase Hiratte Clean Pack [CleanData + CleanUninstaller] - 28% discount!

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